There are so many things that make our family apple farm extra special. Our new guests and the ones that have been coming to our farm year after year is really at the heart of it. This year we have created some new and exciting special events to add to your pick your own experience.

WELCOME FARM ANIMALS August 24th & 25th
FUN Contest ALL Weekend! Help us name our Farm Animals in Critter Corner. Person whose animal is chosen will receive a FREE Hurry Back to Hurds pass, good for a VIP wristband on your next visit to the farm!! (One winner for each animal, our team picks)
Saturday - Hudson Valley Parent Festival Celebrating 25 years (details coming soon!)
Sunday 12-1PM Cut Out, Customize & Create your own Farm Animal Hat.
POLLINATOR FLOWER POWER August 31st, September 1st & 2nd
Saturday 12-1PM Kids Love Face Painting: Pollinator Style (FREE with VIP wristband or $1 purchase)
Sunday 12-1PM Bee Keeping Presentation
Monday 12-1PM Make a Pollinator Flower Pen (FREE with VIP wristband or $3 purchase)
BRING THE KIDS WEEKEND September 6th & 7th
Saturday 10-4PM New Paltz Regional Chamber of Commerce Family Day. (Signup through the Chamber's Website)
Saturday 12PM Sing Along in the Kids Corral
Sunday 12PM Guided Nature Hike with Susan Hurd
Sunday - Grandparents are FREE when you bring your grandkids to spend a day at the farm. (Must have e-mail coupon)
FRESH PICKED APPLES September 14th & 15th
Saturday 12-1PM FREE mini Apple Blossom Dessert with VIP wristband (also available for $3 purchase)
Sunday 12PM Apple Pie Smoothie demo and samples
DIGGING IN THE DIRT September 21st and 22nd
Saturday 12PM Water Filtration Demonstration using materials found in our Farm Activities
Sunday 12-1PM Make Your Own Edible "Soil" Cups (FREE with VIP wristband or $3 purchase)
TEAM SPIRIT September 28th & 29th
Saturday 9AM Teams of 5 compete for fastest time in the Wild Apple Obstacle Course. All participants will get a cup of cider and one of our homemade apple cider donuts. You must sign up in advance. Ages 7 to 12 please. Winning team will get VIP wristbands to enjoy all the FUN activities on our family farm.
Sunday 1/29 12-1PM Local 4H club animal presentation. Come pet some of the sweetest animals in the county and meet their kids handlers.
Sunday 9/29 1-3PM FREE LIVE MUSIC with Dylan Foley and Friends. 4-Time All-Ireland Fiddle Champion will be filling our farm with Hudson Valley Irish Music.
Monday 12-1PM Local Scouts Troop with help you earn a badge at the farm. Learn more about what girl scouts and cup scouts are all about.
FALL IN LOVE October 5th and 6th
Photo of couple above complements of Sweet Alice Photography
Saturday 12-1PM Apple on a String Couples Challenge. You have a minute to win a jar of Hurds Apple Butter. Work as a couple to each take a bite of a hanging apple, no hands, every second counts!
Sunday 12-2PM Paint and Sip by Local Roost Studios. Please sign up through their website in advance. Fall in Love themed painting.
Sunday 10/6 1-3 FREE Fresh Air Music: Jazz on the Ridge. Senior Drum Major leads group of NPHS Jazz Band
THREE DAY FALL FESTIVAL FUN October 12th, 13th and 14th
Saturday 10/12 1-3PM FREE Live Foot Stompin' Music with Hudson Valley Bluegrass Express. Come see and hear these talented guys and say hi to their adorable mascot pup.
Sunday 10/6 1-3PM FREE Fresh Air Music: Jazz on the Ridge. Senior Drum Major leads group of NPHS Jazz Band
Visit our Blog for insider tips and to learn more about a Fall Festival.
PUMPKIN FIESTA WEEKEND October 19th and 20th
Saturday 12-1PM Kid Pumpkin Decorating with purchase of any pumpkin.
Sunday 11AM Pumpkin Carving Demonstration
Sunday 12PM Plattekeill Town Rec's Halloween Costume Parade & Egg Haunt in the Pollinator Garden. Locals who participate get FREE VIP wristbands.
Sunday 10/20 1-3PM FREE Live Foot Stompin' Music with Hudson Valley Bluegrass Express. Come see and hear these talented guys and say hi to their adorable mascot pup.
OLD FASHIONED FUN & YUM October 26th & 27th
Saturday 12-1PM Indian Corn Craft Activity
Sunday 12-1PM Decorate your own fresh made Caramel Apple! (Purchase for $5)
LET THE KIDS PLAY WEEKEND November 2nd and 3rd

While the Kids Play you can stock up on fruits and veggies for winter baking and cooking! We can help with your colorful harvest decorating for this month of Thanksgiving.